Ladies, Are You Guilty of This?

                                                      Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

Hey Guys... How you? Great, I believe... Kudos. I am directing this post to the ladies, especially the married ones. There's this dynamic in relationships that a lot of married women and also many single women in relationships don't get. I see a lot of them make this mistake over and over and over and am like 'Is it not clear enough to understand what's happening here?' Am so amazed that the very few females that understand this to great extents are the so-called call girls, runs girls, a number of ladies entering and leaving relationships at will with any man that tickles their fancy(and with some of these men following them around subserviently begging them to stay with them) and also a very tiny fraction of women enjoying very successful relationships. I got you interested now right..? Okay, that's good, let's dive in.

I am not going to start writing any lengthy write-up and explaining everything. Everyone has a consciousness connected to a super consciousness where all answers reside. Explore it at will.

I see a lot of women COMPLAINING about the men in their lives at the slightest inquiry about their relationships. Now let's not hurry, I point you back to the all capitalized word above. It's amazing how this very word, looking seemingly uncomplicated, has marred, broken down and destroyed many very promising relationships and is still on the verge to do harm to many more. When complaining becomes excessive, it is termed nagging. As a woman, you always rattling out gloomy, annoying and soul-wrecking things to the one in your life. He has to painfully endure the endless and constant barrages of your talks about things not going right, things breaking down, overwhelming responsibilities you put on him that seem to have no end at sight, talks about how this person and Thier friends treated you with disdain. He tries to sooth you to see if you are encouraged but it's like his pouring fuel to fire at close range suffering burns in the process and his at lose on what to do. He's at work and when it's time to go home, his heart skips several beats in a row. His thinking rapidly and deep down in his soul his just begging for, even if it's just one night of soul to soul connection but as it seems, it's doesn't look forthcoming. And then even when there's a connection it's ephemeral, not having real substance. Then as the laws of balance will have it, he stumbles on this Delilah/ siren/ homewrecker ( call her anything you want) and she radiating and sending out waves of passion, not necessarily at him but he catches the signals she's advertising and because he hasn't experienced those good feelings in a while, he chases her and is all over her and she being a master at this, attracts him with his so much desired pleasure. He goes in and creates the space and she fills it with an overwhelmingly supply of really good endorphins. His overwhelmed and hooked. He created the space for you before but you filled it with adrenaline and all the fight and flight hormones which caused excess friction. Now he's on a smooth ride. All he has to do is give impressive tips to keep the flow of these feelings going and he doesn't mind at all. This is all he wanted. This is all that matters to him. He begins to keep late nights, rarely comes home and even when he does, his in a hurry to leave. He has found heaven, why make a stop at hell? You are now concerned, you become suspicious. You begin asking questions. And then you get your answers with positive confirmation of your fear. You are now on a rampage. Murder rampage. Every one of your friends now gets to enjoy your barrages of complain. Now very enhanced. Thing is the got things to resolve also so the bounce and say a no thanks to the offer of your so-called passive entertainment. You feel powerless.

Hmm... I have a question for you lady, amongst your friends who would you spend more time with, the downer that always got drama to handle or the bright nurturer who takes you in and makes you feel like a million bucks? I don't need to ask for your answer, I already know. So why question these very men when they make their choices? You must have heard the saying 'men will always be boys'. Hmmm.. there's a pearl of deep profound wisdom there. To get boys to do something, do you mask it up as work and travail and boring or do you offer them an opportunity to play and be adventurous?

See ladies, this is simple though in its simplicity it will look like it's complicated. A man creates a space and holds the ground. He then brings a woman in. The woman now has to feel the space with her birthing ability. Whatever she chooses to bring forth is up to her, whether it makes the space thrive or disintegrate. But mind you, men create spaces for growth, for continuity. If he finds out the space he created is not thriving, by the laws of nature represented in the law of balance, he will likely go create another space and bring in another potential birthing ability to make sure his space grows and expands. When a man finds you honorable to create a space for, my sister, together with him, fill it (birth into it) with everything beautiful that is imaginable. Nurture the space. Make it a place where you all live your dreams and thrive. Then he will rest back and maybe create more spaces for you because now he believes and has confirmed your masterful workmanship. Do I hear a question about how to make the space thrive? Like an ingredient...? Hmm... You know all of it... Just look within yourself. It's there, always has been there and always will be there forever. Sending you all tons of love, peace, and harmony. Will write soon... Cheers people.


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