The joy of winning

1-2-3-Gunshot! And she dashes out with all the speed she can muster in this confirmatory journey she had spent so many sleepless and restless nights praticing to beat. She runs down the track,pounding her foot on the ground and taking gaint leaps towards the lines that will ignite more energies within her being after the procedure of what seemed like an endless selfish energy sapping shylock. She speeds down the tracks irrespective of her opponents intimidating launchings. She sees one thing in her mind, the tapes. Yes the tapes. Ohh,how the tell a tale of victory with their golden colouring. The victory that sums all her pains and deposits fame into her accounts. She's never tested it before but i bet you her fantasies has played several scenarios in her amateur mind. She endures it all, pressing on to the mark.. Yes its almost done, shes almost there. Hang on now as your dreams come alive. Finally she embraces the tapes.. Ohh what a resurgence of energy as she still sprints onwards.. Victory at last.. The sweat and pain not in vain,the joy of winning summed up in one progressive word MOTIVATION.


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