What the Heart Wants and Needs

Stillness… oh stillness
                                                   Photo by Noah Rosenfield on Unsplash

Every day I ask myself this question, “What does my heart want out of life?” This is because I have come to know that if I don’t give my heart its true needs, my days will become weary, and my desires cold. My spirit, which is my heart loves boundlessness. It adores that deep silence that opens up the recess of my intellect. It is connected to nature and everything that exist, so it thrills at the sight of things ‘coming into being’. It glows when it is resonating with the life force and it is flowing along with the stream of wellbeing.

Life has cycles which determine seasons. One thing is sure, that thing is our ability to choose experiences, our own experiences. In my little way, I have come to realize that if we pay attention to the voice from within and heed to it with humility, our blooming will follow naturally and then we would have given our hearts what it wants while making our shift to a thriving place.

This is true for all of us and all things. Do have a lovely day. Peace, Love and Harmony


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