Doctor or Priest?

So there's this occurrence that keeps happening time and time again. Now it no more baffles me. The occurrence that always happens is that most people I meet tend to think I am either a Catholic Priest or a Medical Doctor. I can't tell you how many times people have spontaneously asked, "Are you a Priest?" or "Are you a Medical Doctor?". The first occurrence of this was in my secondary school in SS1 when my French teacher, Mrs. Ebiringa, told me that I looked and behaved exactly like her parish priest. I didn't know what to say, so I just smiled. Two profound times of so many others, one was while I was working with the Ministry of Information Owerri, a visitor who came to see my 'Oga' spontaneously asked if I was a Priest. Before I could respond, my Oga, surprised because we had talked about something similar before asked him what made him think I was one. I didn't pick his response because I just stood there smiling in deja vu. The second was when I was to get my international passport. Just as I sat down, the official asked me if I was a Medical Doctor and it was like hearing an old favorite song.

Talking about the roles of the both callings, a priest is supposed to be an enlightened spiritual being who through the wholeness in his spirit and soul manifested through his body in the form of a healthy enveloping aura, effects healing in people (restores wholeness in the minds (souls) and spirits of men) by the use of spiritual tools (words, silence etc.) through religion while a Medical Doctor, on the other hand, is supposed to be an enlightened spiritual being who through the cultivation of his soul (mind) effects healing on the spirit, soul, and body of people restoring wholeness through the use of basic physical tools through science. Many people think science and religion contradict themselves, but as I have come to understand through study, science explores and reveals the created while religion explores and reveals the creator. To say these two callings are one and the same is to be in harmony with rightness. They both are all about the business of healing and restoration. A Priest heals or empowers the spiritual and a Medical doctor heals or empowers the physical. Looking at it from another scenario in the African setting, the two are married together. The Dibia or Babalawo or Alfa is always the eye of the gods and also holds the office of effecting healing.

Rounding off, the question on my mind I am asking myself is, would I if given the opportunity ever want to be a Priest or Doctor? My answer is Yes and No. Yes, because as a Priest I won't mind being celibate for a lifetime, even forever. I don’t chase pussy. Its never been my thing. It's not that I don’t like the act of sexual intercourse. As a matter of fact, I have a very high sex drive. It is just that I have come to terms with knowledge as to what the real purpose of sexual energy is meant for apart from procreation and other than lovemaking. The second reason is I like dealing with the spiritual all the time. I hardly write or talk without making mention of Spirit or expressing a spiritual concept. No, because I love and enjoy being a free spirit exploring various mind stimulating concepts and not tied down to a particular doctrine or way of doing things. Simply put, I like being open-minded. As for choosing to be a Doctor, Yes, because I love serving especially when it has to do with the restoration of spirit, body, and soul. No, because I love and enjoy having a lot of free time and don’t like being on call. If I were to choose one between both, I will choose to be a Medical Doctor BUT on my terms of availability which really might not go down well with some people.
With all this said, I can't deny my exorbitant love for priests and doctors and could choose roles in one or both of them in other life’s.

What do you think about Priests and Doctors? Tell me in the comments section below if you will. Do have a pleasant day today. Peace, Love, and Harmony.


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