The Rise of the Bots: Making Money with Chatbots

UPDATE: Despite the authenticity of this article to inform and stimulate ideas in your mind which will make for a good read, I just found out that this particular bot is a hoax. It doesnt do what it promises to do. Please desist from using it. Still, the concept of bots making people money is a real venture. I will be sharing more of my findings as the days go by. Stay tuned.

So the discovery of this came as a surprise to me. I had heard and read on social media about the takeover of chatbots but least expected that they could be used to make cool mullah, not in this early stage of their introduction. I had thought that if at all you could make them make money for you, you had to be a well-versed coder. At least it made sense that way until I stumbled on the information I am sharing here with you.

I have always been a firm believer that since man doesn't live in this phase of existence a very long time at once, he shouldn’t expend his energy unnecessarily if he has tireless tools that have a more prolonged state of longevity. Tools like money, the internet, software, machines (digital and non-digital) and now bots made possible by artificial intelligence (AI), natural language programming (NLP) and cloud hosting. These tools could do mundane tasks such as making money and the sorts. While man should just spend far less energy setting these tools up and manage them at intervals, this, done as an enjoyable activity for him. Man I believe was created to share his energy with creation even as creation shares its own with him. He should interact more with nature and connect more with himself on the inside and live in the now. Symbiosis is the word.

As my usual norm is, I playfully did a google search with something similar to these string of words, ‘How to make money on telegram’, and the result I got left me in awe. I discovered that it was possible. This search query came with a number of people doing this and a couple of testimonies with payment proofs. I clicked on a link that led me to and read astonished at the way it worked and like any adventurous person would I followed a couple of links to several bots on Telegram messenger and activated them. Lo and behold, right before my very own eyes, I saw these bots in action and experienced first hand a futuristic revolution happening now. And NO you don’t have to be a coder to be part of this revolution though it will be far better to be one.

Without taking much of your time, I will introduce you to one bot that I find interesting and which could rake up some cool mullah for you in a couple of days.

First off you need the Telegram messaging app. If you don’t have it, get it here Choose your device and set it up. It's a breeze to do so. You only will be needing a phone number that receives text messages. I use the Android and the web app.

As soon as you are set up. Follow this link CLICK HERE to this particular bot. When the bot loads up on your telegram app, click start on the menu and you are in the money. It's as simple as that. This bot will get bitcoins for you on autopilot. You don’t have to do anything else other than checking your balance at intervals if you want to and add your bitcoin wallet address (for automated withdrawal) to the chatbot by following the instructions on the menu in the bot. You can get the bitcoin wallet address from online wallets like,, and ethos universal wallet (on mobile only). The free subscription of this bot gives you about 40 satoshis every minute which amounts to about 57000 satoshis every day which is around $3 - $4 at current bitcoin to USD conversion rate as of this post. To earn higher amounts of bitcoin ($50 - $100+ a day) you can upgrade or use the referral option. I plan to upgrade with the amount gotten from the bot. Since I am new to this and haven’t withdrawn yet because I want the amount in the bot to add up, I had to make sure this is a sure thing by clicking on proof in the menu and I saw the confirmation of the transactions on the blockchain and their dates. If you are someone who is conversant with the blockchain technology, you know its a system you can’t lie with. See below some confirmations and what the bot looks like.

You can see that the dates match with this post date of this blog post. You can check everything out for your self when you follow the link above and activate the bot. When you withdraw your bitcoins you can exchange for cash with exchangers in your country (I use, am in Nigeria) or hodl for future profits when bitcoin price gets higher.

So what's the catch? Why am I sharing this with you and taking my time to write this post of more than 1000 words? I will tell you. I heard a wise man say one time that to get everything you want, give people something beneficial they want. Simply put, you want more money, I want more money. So I am giving you this information that will give you what you want and at the same time give me what I want. Apart from being of help to you, I am referring you to this bot because we both will rake up mullah... symbiotic relationship, win-win... lol. When you join, I will get 20% top up so long as you keep the bot running and this is at no cost to you. Good deal, right? I guessed you will say that. Also guessing you will do same too if you want to put your earnings on steroids but if you are ok with waiting longer, you could just go with the default subscription. Word of advice for you if you will be looking for referrals: Don’t go spamming anywhere when you are looking for your own referrals, especially telegram, you could get banned. Set up a force and attract people. That way people will gladly listen and consent to what you are telling them. There are so many things to do to set up a force like setting up a free webpage. Use freely your imagination, it makes you creative.

This has been somewhat of a long post. I hope you put this information to use. Will keep updating my adventure with this bot here on my blog so stay tuned. Sending warmth to you... Peace, Love, and Harmony.


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